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            Swing/Lindy Dancing In Fairbanks Area

swinglindy dance style image on moreinfo page for

Art Attack Swing Dancing

free but bring a snack to share     6:30pm-8:30     1/19/2025

Age Limit
  no age limit
  free but bring a snack to share
Next Event
  January 19 (Sunday)TOMORROW
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Because we really want these dances to be welcoming to all, we're encouraging everyone to wear a name tag (provided) with their pronouns and the dance roles they know (lead, follow).
3600 Main St, Ester, Alaska. Park in front of the Golden Eagle Saloon and walk on the road towards the south 500 feet until you see the sign on left "You are here" which is almost the end of the road.
The casual lesson starts at 6:30 p.m. and then dancing Lindy, east coast swing, and west coast swing.
Please bring a potluck snack to share.

This event was last updated on: 4/2/2023
Please doublecheck the sponsor's website or contact by phone/email if this date is very old.

Dancing is maintained by non-professional dancers for the social dance community
please email us if information is inaccurate, inappropriate, or duplicate

*indoor pictures do not represent actual attendance numbers or actual dance style for event.