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            Contra Dancing In Fairbanks Area

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Contra Borealis Dance

$10     7:45pm-10:45pm     2/15/2025

Age Limit
  no age limit
Next Event
  February 15 (Saturday)
  3rd Saturdays
  Pioneer Park Dance Hall
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The Contra Borealis Dancers is the contra dance organization in Fairbanks, Alaska.

We are an open and cross-generational group of folks who enjoy building a community with dancing to live music. We have dancers from 12 to 82 years of age (and sometimes younger). Contra dances, square dance, waltzes and occasional schottisches, hambos and polkas are in our repertoire. More than just an opportunity for social dance (and some exercise), we strive to be a community of dancers, musicians and callers.
Vaccinated individuals only, masking strongly suggested. A signed liability waiver and contact info will be required at the door. See for further info.
Note that dancing will be starting at 7:45 pm with a refresher for all, including new dancers.

This event was last updated on: 4/2/2023
Please doublecheck the sponsor's website or contact by phone/email if this date is very old.

Dancing is maintained by non-professional dancers for the social dance community
please email us if information is inaccurate, inappropriate, or duplicate

*indoor pictures do not represent actual attendance numbers or actual dance style for event.